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News Of The Week Roundup: Week 41, 2021

So I thought, "Oh, this must be some of that fake news." I checked several news sources and it is sadly real: some Rhode Island Subway restaurant employee walked on food, placed cold cuts on a toilet seat and more... to gain social media followers. The guy was fired and $200 deducted from his last paycheck for damages but big deal. He should be prosecuted.

This is just good basic information for everyone. Have some things ready in case of disaster:


This is horrific: a British MP named David Amess was stabbed to death while meeting constituents last week. Apparently, the stabbing was terrorism.



In COVID-19 news... the vaccine is still saving lives. Imagine that!


COVID cases are dropping in the U.S. which is great news! Seems that cases are on the rise again in the UK. Russia is currently facing a bad wave, too.


Former President Bill Clinton was released from the hospital today. He spent much of the week in a California ICU for a sepsis infection. The sepsis came from a UTI.


A U.S. Capitol Police Officer is now charged with obstruction for his role in the deadly insurrection on January 6, 2021. The federal investigation into the attack is now the largest in U.S. history.

And I leave you with this: a recommendation to listen to the Maintenance Phase podcast. I cannot express how much I love this show and the hosts Aubrey Gordon and Michael Hobbes. Smart, fresh and debunking junk wellness science every episode.

Reader Comments (10)

Get well soon President Clinton. The woman of the world need you.
October 19, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
Jack, that did make me chuckle. But sepsis is no joke. Of course, Jack, you could challenge me on my definition of 'is'. But I would rather you didn't.

David Amess's death is a tragedy. And at least one UK Sub(s?) learned that you shouldn't think being punk is an excuse for being a bit lame. Making jokes take a bit of finesse. Not something for which punk (esp. older punk) is known.

Speaking of Subs . . . eat fresh? I love how people like to become famous, until they aren't, or weren't, really. That said, Jumanne (and Jared) don't represent Subway. Subway represents Subway! And they are having a hard time remaining relevant in a crowded market. I remember the novelty when they first opened in my area as a lad. That novelty is gone. But, in a pinch, I am sure some of us have gone there . . . mop-bucket smell and turkey-based most everything (processed meat-wise) be damned! I know I have.

And the new fellow who works at the one near my place was listening to Sabbath close to closing. I commented on that. He said, "Well, sir, what sort of music do you like?" I replied: "Metal, in various forms.: He said: "Cool. Can you recommend something?" Me, thinking quick and trying to be a bit out of left field, said: "Buffalo, _Volcanic Rock_." He said, "What?" I repeated myself, but added: "Proto-metal, sorta' like Sir Lord Baltimore." We finished our transaction and out I walked. More than two months later (as I said, "in a pinch"), I walked in and he was still there! He greeted me, went through the process of making my order, and then said, as he was ringing me up: "Buffalo are pretty bad ass!" I feel like this was time well spent: I got two mediocre orders of food when most of the places in my town are closed at that point; he got a lesson in proto-metal. Not only that, he enjoyed the lesson.
October 21, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
@Him…. Great post. Despite how I feel about the Clintons as people, I think Slick Willy actually did a good job as President. He was a moderate Democrat. Those types don’t seem to exist anymore. That being said I don’t wish death on anyone and it was a joke based on Slick Willys deviant behavior!
October 21, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
I hear you, Jack. Moderates are in short supply on both sides of the aisle. It is a shame.

I still recall a movie from 1995, The Last Supper. It was fairly well cast (Annabeth Gish, Cameron Diaz, Courtney Vance, etc.) with a host of great cameos (Ron Perlman, Charles Durning, Nora Dunn). It was a dark comedy, small budget, and directed by Stacy Title (who sadly succumbed to ALS this year).

I won't say the movie was great. But the premise was more than worth wading through a few dull/repetitive spots: a group of liberal graduate students start to invite conservatives over for dinner and discussion. Murders ensue. But there is a twist. And I think that twist served as a lovely counter-balance to all those who think they know the truth and are best suited to spread it.

Who knows, Jack? I think you might like the film (if you haven't seen it). It certainly speaks to our discussion.
October 22, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
@Him….. thanks for the recommendation. I will definitely check it out this week. Have you seen the movie The Hunt? Definitely a worthy watch with a twist!!!!
October 22, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
I hope you do and I hope you enjoy it, Jack. For me, the best thing about the film is that it trades in breezy caricatures of people's political opinions and then gets you to question them (and laugh while doing so, which is difficult to do). If you watch it, please do share your thoughts.

Yes, I did see The Hunt. I think it suffered from when it was released. Zobel did a great job, all things considered. It was dark; the acting was great, the comedy was on point; and the challenges to protected opinions were, in my view, well executed (no pun intended!).

I think that producer Jason Blum (who has backed some great and not-so-great movies) was also correct: the fake controversy over the film, largely a right-side of the political spectrum creation, pushed back the release date until . . . well, the pandemic had hit. If it had a wider release/run in theaters, I think it might have done quite well. Some films actually benefit from a fake controversy when they are given room to move and circulate. That wasn't the case with The Hunt.

I wish people didn't post on things that they haven't seen. I wish that they didn't craft an opinion prior to having the product in front of them. But I can wish all I want. Personally? I enjoyed The Hunt. And I think it grappled. in a much better way, with similar issues that were addressed in the movie Antebellum. Unlike The Hunt, that film suffered from being too overly involved in being overly involved (if that makes sense). I probably liked it a lot more than some people. But I thought that Antebellum was a missed opportunity to do something important, and do so in a genre that I love and respect a great deal.

As a final aside: I also think that Them, on Amazon, was much better than the critics suggested. It wasn't an Us (the movie) rip-off. If anything, it was a somewhat uncomfortable look into issues we should all consider. Point in fact (well, opinion), it dealt with issues that Antebellum tried to address. And some of its harshest critics (here I think back to the criticisms of The Hunt) are perhaps the ones who should have embraced the show for presenting a depiction that wasn't nice, easy, or suited to their tastes.
October 23, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
After reading this re-cap of mostly stuff I already knew about and Ripper’s tiresome dinging of Democrats while he blindly supports the kooky murderous Repugnican’ts, I will reiterate the blatantly obvious:

We are f*cked as a society at the moment and probably longer.

p.s. One thing I DID NOT know about, however, was Sir Amess’ advocacy for cats!
October 23, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Metalboy!, with all due respect, we can reach across the aisles and talk about certain things. It doesn't have to be so cut and dry.

Note: Ripper and I had a good talk, bordering on the hedgerows of politics (as you know, I avoid deep-diving into that stuff on this site). How did we manage to do that? By finding some common ground. In fact, I think movies and television shows are a perfect middle place for said discussions. It is amazing how many people, of different persuasions, can discuss topics that, framed in other ways, might be off-putting or verboten.

Note also: there are clearly people on this site who have radically different political POVs, yet share a love of certain bands, certain sub-genres, etc., etc. So, there again, is a point of contact.

Granted, if you start acting odd (at least to me), I mention it or, in some cases, ignore it. If you slam other posters, denigrate Allyson, or seem to be off your meds, there are things that happen. Have happened, in fact, in the past few weeks. There is also a thing called 'taking a break'. I did it for a spell. Why? I needed to rethink why this site mattered to me (and, even if some on here might slam me for my non-edited excursions, I think they can still tell I appreciate what this site offers, no less what discussions on here can, and do, provide).

Not everything has to be scorched Earth, burnt bridges, and salted fields. If anything, glam (and metal more generally) are a place for connection and not division. At least that is my fairly saccharine hope!!!
October 24, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
@ Him… great post my friend!
October 24, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
@metal Boy …. WRONG! Iam NOT a Republican Iam a Conservative. But I do agree with you about our country being Fu@ked.
October 24, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper

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