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David Lee Roth Announces Retirement 

The other day, I posted about David Lee Roth's brief, new Las Vegas residency. Now it seems those shows will be his last.

Diamond Dave announced yesterday that he is retiring from the business and "throwing in his shoes." Truly an end of an era. I suppose with the death of Eddie Van Halen, Roth really doesn't see the point in performing any more. My guess is he was expecting to perform as Van Halen again and now that won't be happening. I am glad I have seen Roth live. Again, see your favorites live while you still can!

Reader Comments (3)

The message was more than a little bit odd (and I am talking about a DLR comment, mind you). It actually sounded a touch melancholy. Even the mention of Alex was a bit jarring (though, contextually, it made sense since Eddie recently died and you would hope that the two of them could talk).

But the message went a bit beyond the “I am encouraged and compelled to really come to grips with how short time is, and my time is probably even shorter" and "“I’ve given you all I’ve got to give. It’s been an amazing, great run, no regrets, nothing to say about anybody. I’ll miss you all. Stay frosty" that Rolling Stone deemed to be 'coverage'.

The fuller text of his call-in announcement, which also contains the former quote from the RS article, states: "Al and I have been talking. I can’t speak for him just yet. I spoke to him. He knows everything that I am about to tell you. I am encouraged and compelled to really come to grips with how short — and my time is probably even shorter. I thought that I might go first frankly. I might have thought but the Marlboro man got me. Hey Ed — objects in the rear-view mirror — probably me. And my doctors, my handlers compel me to really address that every time that I go on that stage, I endanger that future. I know that when I sit in the audience, all I ask, whether you come out with a ukulele or a marching band, all I ask is that you give me everything that you got to give. That’s what I did for the last 50 years and err, I’m throwing in the shoes. I’m retiring. this is the first and only official announcement. Al, my handlers, you’ve got the news. Share it with the world. I’m not going to explain the statement. The explanation is in the statement."

So it is typical loop-de-loop DLR stuff, which I love. But there is an edge to his vagueness which gives me pause. But that's all it gives me at this point, pause. I truly hope those final shows are a great send-off for a great front man (and this sort of news sells . . . most of the tickets for those shows are gone now).

Lord knows, I still thank my lucky stars I saw him at his previous residency at the HoB years ago . . . and had a blast. And I have appreciated all he added to the rock firmament over the years, solo and with VH (even if I didn't need the bluegrass stuff!?!?!). The world of music has been a greater place with DLR hosting festivities. I truly hope he has many more years in the tank, tossing off "what the hell"? interviews, and doodles, and tattoo lotions, and whatever the hell else he wants to do. For me, as a fan, he deserves it.

Post-script: I also thought WVH's tweet was a gracious and kind nod to DLR. The kid is classy, even in spite of what he has gone through with losing his dad (no less dealing with the knuckle-draggers online).
October 3, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Good for Dave. He owes us nothing. I love the link to the tweet about DLR’s A Lil Ain’t Enough video which shows him (in 1991) going to his last ever show in the distant future…..10/2021. Brilliant coinkydink!!!
October 3, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
Well I think we finally found the new host of Jeopardy ?
October 4, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterGNR

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