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I Laughed Too Hard At This

These Tweets showed up just like this in my feed - stacked right on top of each other. There is so much going on here. 1) I am glad Richie Faulkner (Judas Priest) is doing better. 2) I love that Faulkner had a world-class surgeon. 3) I love that people honestly were confused about Mark Slaughter and thought the guy who wrote "Up All Night" also sliced open Faulkner from stem to stern and saved his life. 4) Finally, I love that neither of the tweets below go to Blabbermouth - they go to links about Dr. Slaughter.

Extra credit: the dude is a heart surgeon and his It does not get more metal than that!





Reader Comments (4)

Priceless stuff!
October 23, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Methinks that some of the posters at Blabbermouth aren't exactly sharp. Then again, that really does help Borivoj Krgin, right?!?!

I admit: I read that rag. But it is only to get a chuckle at some of the horrid trolling. And to get an object lesson in how to create click-bait that contains mostly the same information, over and over, with deceptive titles and horrible pictures of those being discussed.

Oh, and to remind myself why I only post here!!!!
October 24, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Just thinking of the drummer spinning and twirling scalpels and sponges as he hands them to Dr. Mark. Surgery finishes with all the nurses holding sparklers.
October 24, 2021 | Unregistered Commentertexjay
He better at least have had "Up All Night" cranked up on entry to the OR.
I typically have them play "Dr. Feelgood"
October 24, 2021 | Unregistered Commenteroper8n

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