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Entries in Slaughter (5)


Slaughter Live Review - J.D. Legends, August 25, 2023

Happy birthday to Eric! We're just rolling through middle age and enjoying some Glam.

As I posted yesterday, we went to see Slaughter at J.D. Legends in Franklin, Ohio. The opener was a Cincinnati cover act called Guilty Pleasure.

First off, it really was like standing in an oven (filled with sand). It felt better outside when the sun went down of course, but it just was crazy sticky. Second, there was just hardly anyone at the show. Friday at the end of August in Ohio means high school football and I know that had an impact. If you have a kid playing, cheering or in the marching band - chances are you are going to choose to see them in action versus going to a show. Plus, the aforementioned heat didn't help I'm sure. Tickets were $35 but dropped to $20 day of show (yes, I paid full price months ago). I am guessing there was probably 300 people in attendance. I know it was easy for me to walk right up to where the VIP barrier started and then wander away with no issues.

The sound wasn't great - it was very "hot" and needed potted down a notch or three. Guilty Pleasure were really fun! They did covers of L.A. Guns, Motley Crue and even Faster Pussycat! We had a good time singing along for sure. The band played for about an hour and I would like to see them again. It was the first time I had ever seen them perform and they won me over.

Slaughter played for a little over an hour - again, sound was bad. It is what it is with outdoor venues sometimes. Mark Slaughter's voice sounded much better than I remembered, even through the garbled mix. He was definitely having a better night and the band was tight like always. Slaughter opened with "Mad About You" and "Burnin' Bridges" as they typically do. It seemed like Mark was playing more guitar than in years past, which was fun to see. There was a cover of Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" and of course "Desperately," "Fly To The Angels" and "Up All Night."

As you know, "Fly To The Angels" has impossibly high notes. Smartly, the band now has the lyrics to that hunk of the song on a screen behind the drum kit - and Mark just asks the crowd to sing. It worked and I liked it.

There seemed to be a big merch table, but I didn't really stop to look or buy. Concert shirts are kryptonite to me - so it is better if I don't even give myself the chance to shop. I have so many band shirts as it is. (Okay, I also have a fetish for purses, anything with rhinestones and Cincinnati Bengals merchandise. I am weak!)

All in all, it was a great night with good music, good Tequila and good people.


Slaughter Tonight! 

Eric and I plus our friend Joe are seeing Slaughter tonight at the same venue was saw Bret Michaels at last Saturday. I will be honest and say I don't have mega-high expectations for the show. It's been years, but the last time I saw Slaughter perform, Mark Slaughter's voice was pretty shot. Plus it's crazy hot here today - like walking into an oven! - so it will be interesting to see if that dampers the crowd any. Oh well, it's summer, it's Friday and it's live Glam. Life is good!


An Album I'd Forgotten 

Honestly, I'd forgotten about this album until I saw Mark Slaughter's Tweet earlier today. Slaughter's Eternal Live came out on this date in 1998. Slaughter guitar player Tim Kelly was killed that year in a car wreck and the album is dedicated to his memory. Eternal Live was already in production when Kelly died.

I graduated high school the first weekend of June, 1998 so I'm sure I was doing some crazy senior week business when this album came out. I truly have no recollection of it and back then I pretty much knew when every new album hit the stores whether I liked the band or not. I don't think I've ever owned a copy of Eternal Live either, which surprises me. Listening to it on YouTube, it is a strong effort.


Hair Metal's Heaviest Riff?

This is actually a really damn good list. A guy who posts as The Art of Guitar on Facebook and YouTube created a list of his picks for the heaviest riffs in hair metal. He plays each song, too!

Some of the selections include Whitesnake's "Still of the Night" and Slaughter's "Take Me Away." Of course, Skid Row's "Slave To The Grind" is included. Shotgun Messiah makes an appearance and so does Dokken. Give it a play and let me know what you think.


I Laughed Too Hard At This

These Tweets showed up just like this in my feed - stacked right on top of each other. There is so much going on here. 1) I am glad Richie Faulkner (Judas Priest) is doing better. 2) I love that Faulkner had a world-class surgeon. 3) I love that people honestly were confused about Mark Slaughter and thought the guy who wrote "Up All Night" also sliced open Faulkner from stem to stern and saved his life. 4) Finally, I love that neither of the tweets below go to Blabbermouth - they go to links about Dr. Slaughter.

Extra credit: the dude is a heart surgeon and his It does not get more metal than that!