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New Year's Resolutions?

Conversation starter: does anyone have any New Year's resolutions yet? Mainly, those that revolve around music? Perhaps you want to see more shows or start a band? Just practice guitar more or write songs? Organize and catalog the collection you own or start buying vinyl? Whatever it is, let's talk about it!

Personally, I would like to see more than one concert in 2022. I saw one show in all of 2021 (thanks, COVID) and that was just... odd. Of course, I didn't see any at all in 2020! I also want to read more books about the musicians we love/industry in general. What about you?

Reader Comments (8)

Since I no longer use my Ipods, I have all this music saved on a hard drive that is basically formatted for Itunes, but I don't use it anymore. Somehow I want to get that into my Spotify library so I can just listen to it all in one place. Problem being that my music files don't all have the proper names, when some stuff got burned from CD and the music service couldn't identify it. Or music files shared from others. It's going to be manual ticky tacky labor for basically my ears only. UGH.... resolution is to do that project.

Oh and to stop having a cigarette at happy hour or a concert. I don't smoke on a regular basis but enjoy one in a social outdoor setting at a happy hour patio/garden or during a concert intermission.

Here's to a better 2022 !!!
December 28, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterGNR
Oh and one more thing. I wish we could post pics here. Like some of our lost treasures related to going to a concert, ticket stub, etc... Can that be a BBG resolution to add that feature ?
December 28, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterGNR
I got fucked out of seeing GNR front row in 2020, also got fucked outa of seeing Korn&Faith no more!
why yes I'm bitter :/

I wanna see 1 fucking concert in 2022. is that too much to ask????
December 28, 2021 | Unregistered Commentercrued
My resolution is to have my bags packed and be ready to leave the country if the as*holes take over again.

We got enough problems right now and don’t need that extra layer of b.s. and division becoming any worse than it already is!
December 29, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Yeah … Posting pics would be a great feature, GNR, but Allyson would need to screen them first because you never know what would get posted.

One only has to look at the “off-color” emoji groupings that occasionally appear in Comments to know what to expect if they were to be posted unmonitored.
December 29, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Tbh I’m surprised MB, I thought you were perhaps a tad more open minded? Is it not possible for ppl that feel like you do, to just agree to disagree with others? Moving to another country seems like a layer of even bigger bs and def reeks of division. So wouldn’t you be doing exactly what you were just railing on? And again, I’m not on either side, I don’t gaff about Trump or Biden, they both suck imho. So I will not argue political views with you. I’ve just never been able to understand this pov that you have, that seems to be a major issue with our society today. If it is possible to respectfully disagree with such passionate topics like sports & music, why is it not possible to do the same when it comes to politics? Why do fans of this type of thought need to live here, while fans of another type of thought need to live there? This is what’s devastating for ur country so much right now, not “democrats” or “republicans”. I will absolutely apologize btw, for interjecting such discussion onto this board, so please forgive me.
December 29, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
Devastating for “our”, not “ur” country.

December 29, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
@Bk 👏 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
December 29, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterThe Ghost of postings past

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