From Bret Michaels: Use Sunblock

A nice PSA from Bret Michaels: always use sunblock and get your skin checked regularly. It is August, so that means it is hot in a whole lot of parts of the world so you are probably prepared to use sunblock and a hat. It is just as important to use sunblock in the winter, especially if you will be outside for an extended amount of time.
It seems like Bret has a lot of health issues, his diabetes aside. I'm glad his skin cancer was caught early.
Bret Michaels,

Reader Comments (21)
Just shut the hell up and get back in your lane yraG.. Why you always gotta be “that guy”? Isn’t the answer obvious? Me thinks Bret sure loves himself some Bret. Stay tuned for the nightly pose off on the stadium tour between Bret and Phil Collen!. There’ll be so much oil on that stage by the time Motley goes on that Vinnie will be able to cook up some Wings and French fries right atop the stage with Nikki’s flame throwing bass…
All is forgiven if your stop playing covers and play songs like Look But Don’t Touch live. Peace
It takes work to look like he does, at any age. So good for him. Why not show it off?
And wig/hair extensions or not, he is still an attractive specimen. So why not share for all to enjoy?
Is anyone really surprised? He's always enjoyed the spotlight. Don't see that changing.
"You ever read the ingredients in sunblock? I've never seen those words anywhere. You don't even know what you're putting on your face, do you? You go, "Oh no, the sun's out!" It could be zebra cum; you don't know. You may not like that joke, but you don't know."
From this standup album, good stuff !
Do tell … Well, do tell what you can tell us, haha!!
And any other names you may want to mention, if you dare …
Thanks for being interested in my stories. They were fun memories for sure.
And though my BFF and I did get to hang out with a few of our heroes back in the day and make some great memories (ie. Vince, Jani, Jerry Dixon, Blas Elias, Def Leppard (sans Joe), Dio, Bullet Boys (Lonnie), etc., it was always G rated fun. I wasn't a groupie in the true sense. We just liked to party with the band, and always seemed to get invited to hang out, etc.so we did.
I was always paranoid about catching a disease so never got too close, if you catch my drift. Chalk that up to getting strep throat from one of the Motley Crue guys when I stupidly kissed them all at 16, in lieu of getting an autograph at a record signing lol. Learned my lesson after that ha ha. Though now I sometimes regret keeping my distance from some of them ha ha. Especially Jerry, he was such a nice guy and boy was he persistent ha ha.
But no, I never met Brett. But I do think he and Pam Anderson made a gorgeous couple in their day. And he still looks pretty alright to me.
p.s. If we do make it on that MOR cruise, we should trade stories. Would love to hear yours too over some cocktails.
You are exactly right. We both know the true intent of that post was not sunscreen and skin cancer awareness. Or his post would have been a close up of his mark, which you commented on very accurately.
But, I don't mind. He is an attention whore for sure. And there are so many these days, its ridiculous.
Oh, Rita, we definitely have to trade stories on our elopement … er … um … rendezvous … uh, I mean, on The Monsters of Rock Cruise! …
What’s great is we’ll probably be able to trade them with some of the bands and/or band members who are either part of the stories or would be interested in hearing them!