Sebastian Bach Does CNN Interview

This was a lot of fun! Sebastian Bach appeared on CNN's New Day yesterday to talk about his COVID-19 diagnosis and to advocate for the vaccine. I like how the interview began with a classic Skid Row clip.
"Don't Florida my Fauci!" says Skid Row ex-singer (also of Gilmore Girls fame) Sebastian Bach. He contracted covid but credits the vaccine for his mild case.
— Brianna Keilar (@brikeilarcnn) August 11, 2021
"Get the vaccine," Bach says. "Like, you don't want polio, right, so you get the vaccine for that. You don't want covid."
Sebastian Bach,
Skid Row

Reader Comments (23)
Hear, hear, Sebastian Bach!
At last someone from the Metal World who’s talking sense!
I can't believe I'm typing this but I agree with everything Sebastian Bach said. I never thought I'd say that, but he knows what he's talking about.
The vaccinated COVID experience is much different than the unvaccinated COVID experience.
I believe in Science. 100%.
And that lady called him old. I got that. Thanks a lot Lady lol.
And you’re right, there is a lot of sh*t going on!
But that’s NO reason not to get vaxed and/or wear a mask.
In fact, it’s more reason to!
Distraction, smiffsaction!
My Aunt died from Covid. That's a BIG DEAL.
She died on Christmas Eve. That's a BIG DEAL.
She went into the hospital to never see her family again. That's a BIG DEAL.
She spent 4 weeks in ICU and was never able to be hugged by her loved ones again before she died. That's a BIG DEAL.
Over 4.3 million people worldwide have died from Covid. That's a BIG DEAL.
THAT"S what's going on.
It’s about what Sebastian Bach said …
May you ROCK ON and live to tell about it!
His advice, which Donald J. (as in Jag-off!) Frump and his slaves contradicted in the White House Press Conferences during the Frump era (As Werner Wolf would say, “Roll the videotape!), was and still is “Get vaccinated and wear a mask or run the risk of dying!”
So, Bach, in all his jest at the end of the interview, when he proclaimed the T-Shirt worthy line, “Don’t Florida my Fauci!”, in reality isn’t f*cking joking!
He’s DEAD right!
Google “Normalcy Bias” everyone, if you haven’t already … That is you, if you still don’t get the big picture.
Thank you for sharing that.
Eddie - people would have to be souless/heartless morons to not have prayers/sympathy for experience unexpected deaths in your family.
Seabass is turning into a tool, more and more each day. Great singer in a great band once upon a time, but if you at all look up to his "logic" or insight on this, welcome to the herd.
Vaccinate and mask (where necessary) or die!
I am so sorry for your loss …
God Bless & Godspeed to your Aunt and your family …