Rudy Sarzo Rejoins Quiet Riot

It's been 18 years since he left and now Rudy Sarzo is going back to Quiet Riot. Chuck Wright has stepped aside and left the band.
This is nice, but it is odd that this is happening now, all the years later. Kevin DuBrow and Frankie Banali are dead and they were always pretty much the core of Quiet Riot. This move must mean something significant is in the works for the band.
Quiet Riot,
Rudy Sarzo

Reader Comments (8)
But isn’t he a little late to the party?
I agree. He seems like a cool dude. He has played with the best. He continues to play on anything that moves. I get it. He has got to make a living.
But I do wonder: why? Why, at this moment, in QR history, is he deciding to restake a claim to his position in the 'classic' version of the band . . . which now features none of those other 'classic' members? If I were to guess, it gives them a whiff of the said classic touch. And that isn't a criticism. Again, got to make a living. And having him involved makes it more interesting.
I guess I just want more context than the recent articles have provided. But I would certainly go see him, Pearl, and Larry and Curly if they were close to my front door. Forget about slapping the bass . .. . Sarzo licks the damn thing!
Damn, this music business is a calculated and cruel one! Again, though, Wright seems like a true gentleman discussing it and also has his other pursuits. I wish him the best.