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A Metallica Podcast Is Coming

I had my first physical therapy appointment for my shoulder today (see the latest News of the Week post if you don't know what I am referencing). It is totally weird not being able to lift my arm above my head - or out to my side. Or have no strength to lift anything. After the PT appointment, my arm was extra sore and typing = no bueno!

In music news - I am not a podcast person. That said, this special Metallica podcast event seems cool and I will check it out. Will you?

Reader Comments (3)

Ah, yes,'Tallica. I think they once released a song called "Trapped Under Ice." I also recall something having to do with puppets at some point.

But all that is so much water under the bridge. At my advanced age, I don't have time for things like that. True, I like to enjoy a good 'Tallica podcast every now and again, while sipping my musically-aged (!?!?) whiskey in my stylish Memorex-type lounge chair. But I have to turn my Miiracle Ear up a touch, just so I can hear the velvety-smooth purr of former tennis star Lars.

They should actually do a podcast that looks back at what came before Dr. Feelgood. Oops! I mean, The Black Album.

Hope the recovery keeps going well, Allyson! Thanks again for all you do!
August 6, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
At my age I listen to “Sciattica” a lot these days. 🤘😂
August 6, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterGary
Gary, I love "Dog Day Afternoon"! Great movie. Oh wait. You are referencing a science fiction film about about a prison. Carry on . . .
August 7, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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