Why Didn't Enuff Z'Nuff Get Huge?

I was on the way to physical therapy this morning and clicked around my SiriusXM while driving. I honestly don't listen to Hair Nation that much anymore because it is so repetitive but "New Thing" by Enuff Z'Nuff popped on and I stopped to listen. I love that song - it is just catchy and fun.
While driving I sort of wondered... "Why didn't Enuff Z'Nuff blow up with fame?" The band's self-titled album came out in 1989, which should have been a slam dunk. Sure, videos for "New Thing" and "Fly High Michelle" got heavy enough rotation on MTV but that debut still didn't go platinum or anything like many of their contemporaries.
For whatever reason, Enuff Z'Nuff is one of those criminally underrated acts. People seem to dig the music when it comes on but never really think of them organically. Like, how often do you recall the band being mentioned in "best-of" lists? Or even just being beloved by a close friend? Donnie Vie and Chip Z'Nuff had an amazing chemistry for songwriting. Perhaps the Glam label doomed them. Listening to the catalog, the band is probably more pop than hair metal... I guess? The sound is hard to categorize. EZN was probably marketed all wrong. Folks regarded them as Poison copycats - which is a shame. Also, drummer Vik Foxx looks hot as hell in the video below!

Reader Comments (5)
So many factors here - timing, luck, industry support, and ultimately how much room is there at the top?
Regarding EZN, there was an incident at an awards show involving a drunken Donnie Vie and the president of their label which probably played a part in the band’s destiny. Derek Frigo also died under suspicious circumstances, so the personalities in that band were eclectic to say the least.
Timing was a factor obviously. Their sound was also a factor. They sound as good (if you like them) now as they did then (I am speaking of their debut). They had that psychedelia thing going on that has, depending on the band, aged better than some late-80s/early-90s bands (anyone remember Hoodoo Guru's "Come Anytime"?). But they were also caught in the middle of the end of the glam and start of grunge. Yes, I don't buy the whole "Grunge Killed Metal" argument. But it certainly didn't help. Corporations started turning their attention, and money, towards what sold. Some bands got caught in the crossfire.
Also, as was mentioned, this was a combustible band. Still is. There are obviously some mental health issues going on with some of the (former? current?) members. There are also some huge egos with (former? current?) members.
They had a brief spark of luck and some fairly heavy rotation back in the day. But that's it. Trends did them in . . . and so did they. What now exists is a bit of a hodge-podge of nostalgia, some occasional hints of their former selves, and a lot of drama. Chip can act like he steered the ship to glory. Vie can act like he was the lone talent. Who knows or cares at this point? What you have is a past-their-vintage EzN touring with a fellow wearing a wig under a Capt. Stubing cap while a former member goes back and forth trying to decide which demon is chasing him.
Sad, really. I, for one, liked their unique take on music on the first album. Then again, I also liked the Hoodoo Gurus (still around) and Drivin' and Cryin' (still around, though a bit adjacent to this discussion)!!!
Him - shout out to Drivin' & Cryin ?!?!' - one of my faves and definitely rock n roll !!
One "hidden" gem of theirs : Trainwreck off Great American Bubble Factory :
I admit, I lost touch with their music. But that song is great, GNR. Thanks for sharing. Might have to add to my collection.