Great White, 'Substitute"

Honest to Glam, I never knew there was an official video for Great White's cover of "Substitute." I saw the video for the first time last night while watching Metal Mayhem on MTV Classic. Yes, it was a swinging Friday night at my house. Just me, Eric, the cat and 80s metal.
I have to say the video wasn't bad but I was mostly just so thrown by how different the members of Great White looked. To be fair, the clip was from like 1984. Plus, the band's self-titled debut never did that much for me. I tend to gravitate toward their later work more and I love ...Twice Shy as a complete work. What am I missing here - should I give "Substitute" another critical listen?

Great White

Reader Comments (5)
Geesh, Russell and Kendall look so young! The latter even looks relatively slim, as the demon alcohol made him puff up in the years when they were most popular.
It goes to show that bands evolve over time, often settling on the sound that gets them the most attention. The blues-ish direction certainly served GW well. But this shows their early sound, much like Out of the Night/On Your Knees. By Shot in the Dark, they were moving towards the sound that became their calling card.
I only wish--again--that things hadn't soured between Russell and Kendall. The former's latest Zep cover album sounded bored and uninspired. And I can't really get into the new iteration of Kendall's GW. Such a shame.
That said, this is heads-and-shoulders (and the dandruff issue is a constant problem for some people) above Priest's cover of JBG!!! That cover was horrid. And I think that HoL's cover and WASP's cover (especially) were better than GW's cover. But it is all a matter of opinion, right?
Like you, Kikchix, I learned about Arrow's original version fairly late in the game (perhaps five years ago?). And the original stands up well, even with Merrill's odd 'hmms' in the song. Thing is, even though Jett's version is pretty much a straight copy (save the solo), she added some sexuality and grit to her take.