News Of The Week Roundup: Week 38, 2021

The biggest news for me of the past week was the continued search for Brian Laundrie, the main person of interest in the homicide of Gabby Petito. Gabby's family had a public memorial for her today in her home state of New York. Laundrie is still in the wind. Even Dog the Bounty Hunter is looking for him now. The FBI is on the case. Today, agents visited Laundrie's parents briefly.
The FBI entered the Laundrie house for 3 minutes. According to their attorney: The FBI requested some personal items belonging to Brian Laundrie to assist them with DNA matching and Brian’s parents provided the FBI with what they could.
— Brian Entin (@BrianEntin) September 26, 2021
Gabby's father and stepfather spoke at her memorial service.
— Brian Entin (@BrianEntin) September 26, 2021
Joseph Petito says he wants the world to be inspired by Gabby.
“If there is a trip you want to take – do it now while you have the time."
"If there is a relationship that might not be the best for you – leave it now.”
As cases like Gabby Petito's get national spotlight, Black and brown families with missing loved ones say their cases struggle to grab attention
— CNN (@CNN) September 26, 2021
The CDC met over COVID-19 booster shots. Folks 65 and older, those with underlying health conditions that make them vulnerable and people in risky jobs (healthcare workers) can now get boosters.
@CDCDirector made right call. Healthcare workers: high exposure to Covid, high exposure to immunocompromised patients, and society needs them at work. Teachers: mission critical jobs and exposure to kids who can't yet be vaccinated. Gutsy & right.
— Bob Wachter (@Bob_Wachter) September 24, 2021
The Cyber Ninja recount of the Arizona presidential election results came in... and Joe Biden won. Again. He even picked up more votes than originally counted via the hand tabulation. Another waste of money! Now Trump is demanding a recount of Texas and the governor is complying. Waste, waste, waste.
.@kjzzphoenix got a copy of the findings from the Senate GOP's election review. Their hand recount of nearly 2.1 million ballots confirms Biden beat Trump in Maricopa County.
— Ben Giles (@ben_giles) September 24, 2021
This story is cool and odd:
This 39-foot-long instrument, built by local artisans and carrying musicians performing a live concert, sets a course for the future.
— New York Times Travel (@nytimestravel) September 24, 2021
And I leave you with this:
I’m so grateful to all of you for following me, sharing thoughts, photos & allowing me to do the same. Try to remember If you struggle with secret self doubts that make you feel alone, THAT’S what most of us actually share in common. You’re no different. We’re in this together.
— Paul Stanley (@PaulStanleyLive) September 25, 2021

Reader Comments (3)
To report on a problem that you created and then not do anything about the problem is to make click-bait out of an issue you could really help solve. A shame for all those families wanting closure.
And my mind spins . . . while all those families are waiting for some sort of news (even bad news) we get stories about boats shaped like violins!?!?! Not your fault, Allyson. But part of the overall point that (I think) Jack was making (and you also made, Allyson).