Poison Confirmed For Rescheduled Festival Gig

Poison will perform at Musikfest at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania this coming August. This is a rescheduled show from 2020. Poison will perform on Sunday, August 7. General on-sale begins Friday. People with tickets from 2020 can get in with those.
Musikfest will take place Aug. 5 – 14, 2022. The fest is a mix of different types of acts. Alabama and Willie Nelson are also confirmed.

Reader Comments (1)
And you know me. I don't really 'get' Poison. So I will say this: the Musik Fest logo looks like a left-over from ShamWow or any other number of 'As Seen On TV' products.
I'd go see Willie. Never have. Kinda' a low-priority bucket list thing. But he ain't getting any younger. Anyone else here seen him? Just curious.