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Sunday's Best: Week 44, 2022

It's just about Halloween and holiday shopping commercials will be pushed on us relentlessly in about 48 hours. In my world, it is still the spooky season and to celebrate, I watched The Munsters, the new Rob Zombie movie.

As a crazy fan of The Munsters TV series, I was really excited for this movie. I specifically waited until Halloween weekend to watch, just for funsies. The movie is available for purchase and also streaming on Netflix, and that is how I viewed the film.


The colors are absolutely beautiful - so many vibrant neon greens and purples, as you would expect from a Zombie flick. The movie is complete camp, which shouldn't be a surprise. I mean, it's over the top ridiculous, but the story is new and folds into The Munsters universe nicely. Since the movie focuses on Lilly and Herman meeting, falling in love and getting married, we get to see their courtship and how the duo plus Grandpa end up moving to Hollywood. This means there is no son Eddie and no niece Marilyn. Instead we get a cast of other whackos that are a whole load of fun.

In the original series, you might recall 1313 Mockingbird Lane features a cuckoo clock that is on the snarky side. The movie has the Raven clock too... and it is voiced by none other than Cinderella drummer Fred Coury.

There are a slew of Easter eggs in the movie - another nod to big Munsters fans. Look, The Munsters won't win an Academy Award, but it is good fun for a couple hours on Halloween - or anytime you just want to slip into a ridiculous world where ghouls walk freely in Transylvania - and sometimes America.


Reader Comments (4)

I had fun watching the Munsters film, fun break from the more horrific movies I usually watch this time of year
October 31, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterMike
Watched it last night in between the trick-or-treaters "interruptions. I was looking forward to it as I loved The Munsters as a kid and ienjoy cheesy and campy. Hell, I love Pretty Boy Floyd! But, I was disappointed. It was disjointed and uninteresting.

Meanwhile, yesterday on Howard, Bruce Springsteen sat for a 2 1/2 (almost) interview. It was phenomenal. I even saw clips of it on the morning news shows this morning.

If you have SiriusXM, check it out. Even if you're not a Springsteen fan, it's still a delicious treat; better than that Snickers bar or those Skittles.
November 1, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Mike, you almost make me want to watch it. Ditto you comments, Allyson. But, again, almost. Zombie has spoiled my fun, movie-wise, one too many times!!! Perhaps I will save it for a night with my nephew over Thanksgiving.

Zombie did well by the retro-slasher House series/trilogy. He stayed in his low-budget lane. But, venturing out, he has been uneven at best. He clearly loves genres and sub-genres near and dear to me. He is a fan. But, like me, I am not sure that a fan is always the best person to take the helm (I know the reply to that and I can defend it if you need me to do so). That said, even his bombs have moments of goofy greatness. And I watch them all because, again, I am a fan too.

[I left out one obvious, and kinda' tired, issue with his films. Why? Because it doesn't really apply to this post. But some of you, maybe most of you, know about the elephant of which I speak.]
November 3, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
The white elephant? That no one, I mean no one responds to me anymore, except you, Him. And, when you do, you say that I had you laughing.

Where are the days of Allyson banning me from this site? Those we're the days.
November 4, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterfletch

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