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WASP - Live In Las Vegas

W.A.S.P. is back and live in America again! The band kicked off their tour last night in Las Vegas. The tour is to celebrate the bands 40th anniversary. Here's a video of the show if you want to check it out.

Reader Comments (9)

Never have seen deez guys. Lots being said about the use of vocal tracks by Blackie now and in past. That huge mic stand somewhat obscures him and his head from the audience in clips I have seen, which doesn’t help his case. And there are medleys and lots of audio intros which seem like a waste of time. Case in point the monotonous opening to the show which plays like 3 minutes worth of snippets of their catalogue on tracks when they’re bloody about to play the friggin songs. Moronic. I am leaning towards going cuz the awesome Armored Saint opens and WASP have some songs I really love and it’s a night out
October 30, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
Seeing a post like this, I really wish Ace Steele was still around to comment. He knew Lawless back before WASP made it big (we chatted about it privately on one or two occasions).

My take? Lawless is talented and tortured. Stop the presses, right? I still think the first four albums hold up quite well. After that? Hit or miss as his agenda(s) created an inconsistent map . . . and that is all on him. But he had/has a distinct voice and can write great songs. I just think his muse bedevils him, often to the point of retreating. Now? He seems like he has a bit more focus. Good on him.

However, I take issue with his 'cancel whenever you want' approach to touring (look it up if you doubt me). I got burned twice. I gave up. But I always wanted to see him perform. And he sounds fairly good here (a bit of strain in the upper register . . . but he's 66 years old and not as healthy as he could be . . . though he looks a touch better than some tours of recent past). Couldn't tell if he was using backing tracks. At this point, I guess it doesn't really matter. And the stage has a nice look to it. Oh, and medleys annoy me. But, that's me.

If the tour came close to me, I would likely go.

For a very specific part of my youth, WASP was the sound of rebellion and taboo . . . and also, surprisingly, introspection. As Ace could tell you, Lawless worked and worked and worked on his gimmick . . . and was focused on being the next big thing. He came close. And he still has fans (I count myself as one). Perhaps this latter-era WASP still has something left to offer up after they finish up this nostalgia tour. I'd be interested to see.
October 30, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
All good points, Kixchix. Your post must have gone up as I was sending mine!

And Armored Saint are a stellar band. A little cheesy back in the day. But solid still. I, for one, hope the documentary about them comes out soon.

Hope you are doing well. Always good to hear your POV.
October 30, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
I noticed that Animal is included in the setlist. Yawn. Harder, Faster is much better.

I got burned by Steve Duren way more times than Him...well , at least a few more times.

Anyway, years ago, saw them at the Crocodile Rock Club in Allentown. After, met Chris Holmes, got an autograph and asked him when Blackie will be out to meet his fans. Holmes said that Blackie won't be out, Hates his fans and will not be appearing. Chris asked me for a sip of beers, which he chugged down. Moments later, Blackish was whisked away in a black SUV, passed by about 10 fans and Holmes.

Now, I see that asshole charging people to meet his cranky ass. And, for extra money, get a pic with his mic stand.

Gotta love hypocritical capitalism.
October 30, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
I will be seeing them on Nov 17th in Montclair, NJ. Never really a huge fan but since I never saw them back in the day I thought it might be a fun night out. We'll see.
October 31, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterEddieLongHair
Had me laughing, Fletch! Laughing. PS: I guess the 'Edward' is silent!

Eddie, I hope you post something about seeing them, esp. if I can't/don't/won't.
November 3, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Him: let's be specific. Ed is Iron Maiden. Elvis is black's nightstand.

Pay attention.
November 3, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
just got home from the canceled dallas show for wasp. fire marshal shut it down. promoter over sold it. bummed.
November 6, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterstu
I saw that, stu.

Same thing happened at the Station Nightclub. Promoter over sold, but nobody stepped in.
November 6, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterfletch

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