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Crown Lands Is An Awesome Duo

Crown Lands is a Canadian band. They've been making waves for awhile - and they really do have a genuine throwback, classic rock sound. They are going on tour with Greta Van Fleet, so I decided to give them a listen. I was blown away by the song "White Buffalo" and that video is below. They are on a mission with their music to bring awareness to Canadian land stolen by colonialism. Plus, they are a power duo which is rare in rock music.

I posted the Amazon album Discover Crown Lands below. The Led Zeppelin vibes are so strong with this one!

Reader Comments (8)

Hmmm . . . clear talent and cool overall backstory. And I guess the tour with Regrettable Van Twink makes sense. Maybe Kingdom Come can open?

Listen, I get the homage angle (see: Kingdom Come above). And I have no issue with sorta' sounding like a band you like (esp. when you admit it . . . a key factor, at least for me). I also get that this introduces new people to older strains of music, which is a good thing (if it actually gets to that stage, given that some yoots probably couldn't pick a Zep from a Lep while wearing one of their Hot Topic shirts . . . and I couldn't figure out which of their latest faves is which either, just to be fair).

But . . . what's the end game? Spreading a positive message is enough to get me to buy both their CDs, natch. Where, however, do they go from here? That is my interest/question. And I ask only because the Twinks were only ever able to garble out some vaguely RUSH-like stuff that is adjacent to their Zep-like stuff, all while still clinging to a bunch of obfuscation about their influences. So, in that regard, Crown Lands have them beat. And I wish them the best.

Thanks for bringing them to my attention, Allyson.
November 4, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Given the subject matter, maybe touring with Midnight Oil would be better ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

To me, White Buffalo sounded just like any of three dozen GVF songs. And since I tried and tried and tried to get into those guys (who sound NOTHING like Rush!) and just couldn't, I'm not optimistic about becoming a Crown Lands stan.

Seriously. Singing in something close to the same vocal range as Geddy Lee does not make GVF resemble Rush in any way, shape or form. That is a hill I'm willing to die on, btw :)
November 4, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterGogmagog
I totally take your point, Gogmagog, as you actually make my sloppy point even better than I did: "Singing in something close to the same vocal range as Geddy Lee does not make GVF resemble Rush in any way, shape or form."

I heartily agree. My more mundane point was that the Elfen One changed his vocal delivery on the last album, changed it to such an extent that he seemed to be trying--just trying--to sound like something less similar to the band that he and his cohorts had been nicking from their dad's HiFi cabinet for some time. What did I hear? A croaky Geddy approximation. Opinions will differ, assuredly.

And, Gogmagog, just so you know, I will choose free will. So come down off that hill and don't die for something that isn't worth dying for! I know you 'got' my point. And I certainly 'got' yours. Besides, I failed subdivision(s) in high school!

Okay. I will stop.
November 5, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
I totally take your point, Gogmagog, as you actually make my sloppy point even better than I did: "Singing in something close to the same vocal range as Geddy Lee does not make GVF resemble Rush in any way, shape or form."

I heartily agree. My more mundane point was that the Elfen One changed his vocal delivery on the last album, changed it to such an extent that he seemed to be trying--just trying--to sound like something less similar to the band that he and his cohorts had been nicking from their dad's HiFi cabinet for some time. What did I hear? A croaky Geddy approximation. Opinions will differ, assuredly.

And, Gogmagog, just so you know, I will choose free will. So come down off that hill and don't die for something that isn't worth dying for! I know you 'got' my point. And I certainly 'got' yours. Besides, I failed subdivision(s) in high school!

Okay. I will stop.
November 5, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Oh, one last thing: that Midnight Oil comment did have me nodding and grinning. By the way, is Angry Anderson's taller brother still leading the band and involved in politics?

Nice Boys don't play when their Beds are Burning!!! Someone do a remix already!
November 5, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Garrett quit politics a while ago, but as far as I know he's still active in the band.
November 6, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterGogmagog
That's what I thought, Gogmagog. Appreciate the follow-up.
November 10, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Saw these guys in Milwaukee open for Rival Sons and got to meet them between the sets. Two young, cordial gentlemen. Lot of sound that night for a duo. Definitely had Rival Sons crowd hooked.

"Mantra" from their first album - EP. Nice little 2 1/2 minute rocker
November 10, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterGNR

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