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Vince Neil Cancels RockIsland Fest Appearance

Vince Neil has COVID-19 and that means he will not perform at the upcoming RockIsland Festival that starts Tuesday in Key West, Florida. To compensate for the hole in the lineup, promoters have added Slaughter and Lynch Mob.

This is a reminder that COVID is still a thing, the United States is still under a pandemic health emergency and staying home when sick and washing your hands A LOT is always good practice (and good manners!)

I just checked and there are still tickets available but 5-day passes are not cheap! You are lucky if you get to attend this fest in paradise!

Reader Comments (6)

I know some in these here parts won't like your PSA, Allyson. But I think it is good to remind people. I was recently in Europe and it was amazing . . . the views, the food, the people, and next to no masks ANYWHERE! Then there is dumb ole me, wearing a mask in security lines, while getting onto and off of the planes, even in--imagine it!--the trains. Great trip. No sickness. Back to the day to day with nothing to worry about. And I say all of this as someone who has some issues with my heart. Your tolerance and threshold might vary. But not getting sick is a cool bonus. Is it being too cautious? Not for me. Maybe for you. So you do you.

Trading Vince for Slaughter and the newly re-re-named Lynch Mob? I say that is more than fair, all things considered. But $800 for VIP and $450 for GA?!?!? Really? I guess they want you to hold on loosely to your money. But, no, I won't lose control and buy into those prices. Yikes!
January 15, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
covid sucks, but it’s probably best for everybody (especially the concert goer’s ears) if vince stays home.
January 15, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterstu
Jetboy, Pretty Boy Floyd, Honeymoon Suite, Lynch Mob, Styx, Stryper …

All worth seeing … but NOT enough for me to shell out $800!

Too bad Wig Wam is out, plus many of the usual suspects I would just skip and go chill out in Key West.

Seems like the promoter’s Rolodex has been reduced down to very few gettable bands these days.
January 15, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
United States still under a pandemic emergency ? Wow... COVID still a thing ? Sure.
Just like all communicable disease, virus, etc.. "PANDEMIC" emergency ? It's not widespread the definition of pandemic. More political and money pondering by one side of the aisle. PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
January 20, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterGNR
GNR, you seem to have a POV on this whole COVID thing. I just wish I could figure out what it was, exactly.

Kidding. I see you. I get you. And I respect your opinion. Why? Because in this marketplace of ideas, we are all entitled to having them.

That, I think, our POVs differ is a great thing, Why? Because hating on those with whom you disagree is, in most cases, too easy and just weak sauce. Finding common ground? Working to compromise? That stuff is way, way more difficult.

So, charge the ramparts! Hoist your flag! Me? I''ll just say that I appreciate you sharing your particular view of how aisles work. Yes, they divide. But they can also serve to be a point of contact for those who exist (in some manner) on either side. But, that is up to them. Who? Those on both sides,

GNR, I would get in the ring with anyone. But I'd probably try to hug them after they slammed me to the ground. See what I did there? Have a great weekend.
January 21, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim

There is no hate. Its the words we agree on. PANDEMIC EMERGENCY. There is no particular POV just the definition of the words. If you truly honestly believe we are in a PANDEMIC EMERGENCY, there will be no hugs. You need therapy and help. Everything doesn't have to be sides or political. Just when they can use those words to spend $$$ in the good name of something that is fabricated with words.
January 24, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterGNR

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