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The Joe Perry Project Announces Spring Tour

The Joe Perry Project will hit the road for a short run this spring. The Aerosmith guitarist will also perform over the summer with The Hollywood Vampires. I guess that means if Aerosmith play any shows in 2023, it will be in the fall. That is disappointing to me, but not surprising. Sadly, there are no JPP dates near me. I own all their albums on vinyl!

Reader Comments (4)

Kinda' sorta' wish there were some dates in my area. Personally, I would rather see them than Aerosmith at this point.

Interesting that Cherone is doing vox for this. Great singer. Odd stage persona (see: VHIII). Then again, I wasn't pining for Ralph Morman (RIP) . . . though his and this band's version of ":Let the Music Do the Talking" is the better one in my humble opinion.

Also curious if Charlie Farren (of Farrenheit) or Mach Bell (love that name, with or without the "Cowboy" part!) can still sing.
February 24, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Tyler is under fire for sexual allegations, not to mention his voice is and has been for a long time, completely shot. Talk about a band that needs to hang it up. They haven't been relevant for over 2 decades & probably couldn't even sell out the ymca at this point. Probably the most overrated classic rock band of all time, imho. Plus they're absolutely putrid live. Funny thing is, I like a lot of their older material, especially Rocks.
February 24, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterbkallday
Bkallday, we are agreeing on a lot these days. I, too, like the older stuff. Never really liked their new sheen or cared to see them live.

But you got to admit: saying they "probably couldn't even sell out the ymca at this point" is just idle chatter and projection. At this point, MC shouldn't be able to sell out the local VFW. But, look there, they are killing it! No accounting for taste, right? And, again, the market decides.

The allegations about Tyler's actions in the 70s? Gross. The courts will decide. And they get to do so now due to the the California Child Victims Act. A lot of those rockers from that era--yeah, I am looking at you, Mr. Page--must be a tad nervous. And, yes, different era had different standards. But that is no excuse for using clear power imbalances--then or now--to be pervy.
February 25, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
“Let The Music Do The Talking”!!!
March 11, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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