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Throwback Wednesday - Maiden Memories!

Just mad respect, that's all: remembering the legendary The Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden. Released on this date back in 1982. Do you have a favorite Iron Maiden memory?

Reader Comments (2)

Madison Square Garden 1986/87 Somewhere In Time Tour. Took train into the Garden. Rocked. Train home. Went to Burger King. Buddy who just got drivers license locked his keys in car. His Dad came. Went home. Rock n Roll Children 🤘
March 22, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
first maiden show i could get to was in ‘92 - fear of the dark. 6th row, with testament and c.o.c. great show. but maybe the most “teenager” thing was afterwards while waiting for the parking lot to empty we shot off bottle rockets into the surrounding neighborhood.
March 23, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterstu

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