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Vinnie Vincent Is Back (Maybe?)

Vinnie Vincent, former KISS guitarist and long-time recluse is apparently about to release a new album. The new work is reportedly called Judgment Day (Guitarmageddon Pt. 1).

I started seeing social media and forum posts about possible Vinnie news a few days ago but I took it all with a grain of salt. We have been tricked before! Now it seems double-V really is going to release some new music to his long-waiting fans. On May 19 and 20, Vincent will host a listening party for Judgement Day at Starstruck Entertainment Studio in Nashville, TN.

It costs $500 to attend. We'll see if this materializes I guess.

Reader Comments (6)

There are at least 500 grains of salt in that announcement!

VV is/was clearly a talented and troubled artist. He has been, as Slaughter once opined, burning bridges since he raised his profile in KISS. While everyone loves a comeback, VV seems resistant to actually doing the work--mentally, musically, etc.--that is required to repair his tarnished legacy and make amends to those he harmed. What he seems capable of, however, is fleecing those who still hold out hope that he will become the person they want.

A tragicomic figure, VV is potential wasted. If you trust him, you get whatever he provides.
March 22, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Noone is paying to see this freak.
March 22, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterbkallday
Wow, him. Even on a Wednesday? I have to...

VC is clearly talented and troubled, but making amends? I've read all the books. Gene and Paul clearly used him and they need to make the amends. I'll wait for them as much as I'll wait for Pam's apology.

As she often said to me after fucking me, "All good things come to those who wait".

March 22, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Allow me to push the boundaries further, Him. When mb "hired" me, I thought it was for real. Haha. Jokes on me. I kept going to Pam asking if everything was ok. She assured me that it was so I kept going. I even told her that I think mb is fcking with me. She replied, "Is she paying you?" When I said yes, she encouraged me to stick with it then, even though I wanted to quit. I trusted her. I knew something wasn't right.

Little did I know that she was setting me up from the start. I believed in her trust. She violated it. I guess that's the Trump in her.

All good things come to those who wait

March 24, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Fletch, I will throw you one more: none of us have the full story.

That said, I stick by my comments, particularly as they relate to Slaughter . . .. and also as they relate to fans of his who spent money and got nothing. You? Well, again, do you.
March 30, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Then you should look up Sara Packer and what that bitch did to to me and my family. That's a story I know well, him. I warned everyone. They wouldn't listen. They believed in Metalboy! and treated me as, well
April 1, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterfletch

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