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'Over the Hills and Far Away' - Remastered Video

Picture it: Madison Square Garden, July 1973. The biggest rock band in the world rolls into New York City for a massive show. Just another stop on the Houses of the Holy tour.

Through the miracle of technology, a remastered and high-definition clip of Led Zep performing "Over the Hills and Far Away" is now available for your enjoyment.

I obviously did not get to see Led Zeppelin on tour. Seeing clips like this in such clear definition is a real treat.

Reader Comments (3)

I am a casual Zep fan, given that they were a touch before me (or, well, before I was of age to go to a concert, walk, and so on). For me, "Custard Pie" remains one of those "what the hell is this?" sorta' songs. If you think about that song too much, it starts to mess with your mind. And, yes, I own their entire catalog, some of it in FLAC format. I guess I am casual-adjacent!

But, my point? This sort of majesty, grandeur, and all out mystery has passed away. We will never know music of this sort again, at least in this sort of format. What I mean is, they were Gods back then. Now we can peek behind the curtain, see the nasty bits, and feel, well, underwhelmed. I can't even fathom what it was like to see them back in the day. Even when a friend of mine, who is touch older, talks about seeing them, The Clash, Thin Lizzy, etc., I have to translate their amazement through a filter of sorts. The times? The prices? The crowds? I never got to experience that.

And, yes, I have my favorites from my era. And, yes again, I am very much interested in newer acts too. But that curtain is gone. There is no veil left. To be fair, I am not entirely sure that having those curtains and veils was always a good thing either (as I said, the nasty bits). But I kinda' like the idea of a nostalgia for days of future past, even if I know that is just me messing with my own head.

So, yes, this is a treat. Thanks, Allyson!
May 20, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Having just viewed this AND other clips from the same concert(s) at Madison Square Garden, all on the official Led Zeppelin YouTube channel, it appears all of them have gotten the new digital enhancement treatment.l and just look AND sound incredible!

I must say, I have watched the movie, “The Song Remains the Same” over 100 times and, yes, absolutely both the video and, additionally, the sound quality have been greatly improved!

Along the lines of what Allyson points out, the difference really is quite stunning! … I speculate this whole new level of restoration is the result of wanting the best possible footage to use in the upcoming new Zeppelin movie, a film that has been delayed in it’s release for re-edits in an effort to feature more previously unreleased material as reviews from the previews are that it presently doesn’t feature enough.

Let’s hope we get the movie we’re all hoping for … But in the meantime, though this video and the other clips currently on their site are a real treat to see (AND hear) as we gear up for the new movie to finally come out!

p.s. As I’ve mentioned here before, I was fortunate enough to see Zeppelin, in one form or another, point blank, twice - The original line-up on May 27, 1977 at Capital Centre, Largo, MD (essentially Washington, D.C., and the second was Page & Plant with that dude, Tony somebody with the Kaja Goo Goo hairdo (early Dokken era George Lynch inexplicably sported one, as well) and that bald dude on drums (same dude that stinted in AC/DC), on July 16, 1996 at Madison Square Garden, NYC.
May 21, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Amazing, Metalboy! Wish I was you.

And just to be clear, are you talking about Tony Franklin and Chris Slade? I only ask because I thought that Lee and Jones also toured the albums.
May 25, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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