Isolated Vocals: Ann Wilson

Here's another amazing Reddit find! Isolated vocals of Ann Wilson of Heart singing their classic "Barracuda." Listening to the song this way gave me chills. Everyone knows that Ann Wilson has a magic voice, but hearing "Barracuda" like this is an entirely different experience than listening to the single version. The power in her voice is unreal. Get about 90 seconds in and listen to Ann hit those high notes - unreal!
Ann Wilson,

Reader Comments (4)
And thanks for education, Gogmagog. Had to look up David Kyle. Wow. That guy had an impact! Some of the stuff made me chuckle though (and that is likely my woeful lack of musical talent). The maestro label is well-deserved seemingly, though it made me think of a particular sitcom. But I get it. It was bestowed on him by BSO conductor Arthur Fiedler. So, my giggle means nothing. At least one other site I perused also called Lyle a 'metaphysical teacher'. Interesting indeed.
And one of Lyle's understudies, Lunte of TVS, isn't afraid of grand titles: The Four Pillars of Singing sounds like one of those clip-and-call ads in the back of Hit Parader back in the day!
But thanks for the share, Allyson, and the interesting info, Gogmagog. Love this site!
don’t get me wrong, this really shows her sonic abilities, but hearing the lyrics can also harm the song, lol.