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Entries in AOC (1)


Ticketmaster Pisses People Off (Again) 

Democratic Congresswoman from New York Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said today at Ticketmaster is monopoly. She isn't wrong. Apparently Taylor Swift tickets went on sale today and the process was bonkers and frustrating for folks that tried to get seats. Also, the Ticketmaster waiting room (which I hate) just sat and didn't advance. Then Ticketmaster apparently crashed.

Ticketmaster was totes surprised that so many folks wanted to see Taylor live.



Shouldn't Ticketmaster know to ramp up server capacity before launching a Taylor Swift pre-sale?

Even rich folks with connections couldn't score tickets!


Oh and since we're talking about Taylor (sort of), she was nominated for a bunch more Grammy Awards today. 46 total over her career, actually. Who would have guessed so many people would want to see her live? I'm shocked I tell you, shocked.