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Entries in Danger Danger (3)


Happy Mother's Day 2024

Happy Mother's Day to all the Glam moms out there - keep on rocking!

For old time's sake - here's an old Geraldo episode - "Heavy Metal Moms." It features members of The Ramones, Danger Danger, Bang Tango, Pretty Boy Floyd and more.




Is 'Bang Bang' One Of The Best Glam Tunes Ever?

I was feeling kind of blue this morning for... reasons.

I decided to go around the corner and get a latte to break up my workday. Clicking around the satellite radio channels, I went ahead and stopped on Hair Nation because why not? Recently I've been listening to mostly Octane and NFL Network in the car. So I'm making my short drive, Danger Danger's brilliant "Bang Bang" comes on and what do I notice? I realize that I'm smiling! And then I'm tapping my finger and singing along and thinking about how happy hearing "Bang Bang" always makes me. I mean, the message of the song isn't so great because the dude loses his girl and she's a cheater but man, the riffs and choruses sure are infectious!

I've had the self-titled Danger Danger debut on my Discogs vinyl "want" list for awhile now. It's just such an expensive record for an original pressing. Maybe I will breakdown and buy the remaster instead of shucking out around $100 for a mint copy of the original run. Either way, the money would probably be well spent since "Bang Bang" has never once failed to make me happy. For me, it's one of the best Glam songs ever, from one of the most underrated bands of the genre.


Sunday's Best: Week 19, 2022

It's crazy to me that we are in mid-May already. My cat Roosevelt loves watching all the birds outside since there are so many hanging around the house now that it is warm. Sometimes Rosie wakes me up in the middle of the night because he wants me to open a window for him. The cat is so smart he literally taps my shoulder with his paw. Now he is spoiled but he doesn't get open windows in the middle of the night. But he paces and is restless until he gets his daily bird fix!

While spring might mean more birds for Roosevelt, it means party music to me. On the Hair Metal Reddit, I noticed folks talking about Danger Danger and it is true: they are a party band! Danger Danger's "Slipped Her The Big One" is a great track. It's on the album Screw It! and that's our Sunday's Best for this week.

"Slipped Her The Big One" features most of the members of Extreme, too. I always wondered why Screw It! album didn't do very well, considering it came out in 1991 - after all, Glam was still rolling then.

Danger Danger is criminally underrated, especially since Andy Timmons is such a great guitarist. "Monkey Business" was supposed to be the star single from Screw It! and that was probably a mistake. Should have put more effort and focus into "Slipped Her The Big One" and maybe the album's fate would have been different.