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Is 'Bang Bang' One Of The Best Glam Tunes Ever?

I was feeling kind of blue this morning for... reasons.

I decided to go around the corner and get a latte to break up my workday. Clicking around the satellite radio channels, I went ahead and stopped on Hair Nation because why not? Recently I've been listening to mostly Octane and NFL Network in the car. So I'm making my short drive, Danger Danger's brilliant "Bang Bang" comes on and what do I notice? I realize that I'm smiling! And then I'm tapping my finger and singing along and thinking about how happy hearing "Bang Bang" always makes me. I mean, the message of the song isn't so great because the dude loses his girl and she's a cheater but man, the riffs and choruses sure are infectious!

I've had the self-titled Danger Danger debut on my Discogs vinyl "want" list for awhile now. It's just such an expensive record for an original pressing. Maybe I will breakdown and buy the remaster instead of shucking out around $100 for a mint copy of the original run. Either way, the money would probably be well spent since "Bang Bang" has never once failed to make me happy. For me, it's one of the best Glam songs ever, from one of the most underrated bands of the genre.

Reader Comments (5)

Great album that first Danger Danger (I do own a vinyl copy har har)… their second album not so much; I remember buying it as a new release and selling it to the used store almost immediately.

But I digress,.. I met Andy Timmons a few years ago when he was touring with Uli Jon Roth and Jennifer Batten. I brought up Danger Danger and felt like maybe he interpreted as me making fun. I certainly wasn’t, that first album is a jam and nothing to be ashamed of!
February 10, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterMike
living in dallas, i run into andy timmons often (and not just at concerts), and he’s always willing to talk to fans, but he seems to distance himself from the danger danger material. and that is sad because that first album is so good.
February 11, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterstu
Ah, more shredding serendipity with Allyson on BBG! for Metal moi!

That’s because I’ve coincidentally listened to “Bang Bang” at least 10 times over the past week in the process of putting together a Valentine’s Day themed playlist titled “Valentine’s Day Metal Massacre”, adding that song early on in the list’s creation.

I could go on ad naseum (as I have done once or twice in the past, so I will again, haha!) about my first encounter with Ted Poley when he rolled up to my girlfriend’s friend’s house in Queens on Labor Day, 1989, on his Harley flathead replete with white gas tank, etc., donning head-to-toe white leather, looking like a kind of Hair Metal Evel Kneivel, his blonde locks flowing in the hot summer breeze with a blonde white leather clad matching girlfriend firmly planted on the back.

Upon their arrival, my girlfriend asked me, “Do you know Ted?”, remembering that I frequented the local NYC area Rock clubs and bars (The Cat Club, L’Mour, Limelight, Scrap Bar, Wha-Wha Bar) - joints the boys of Danger Danger surely played and/or frequented.

Fact is, I didn’t. In fact, I barely knew Danger Danger’s music, hardly noticing their videos on Headbanger’s Ball Saturday Nights. Nevertheless, she introduced us and we foisted several beers with Ted that afternoon over perfectly burnt burgers and hot dogs. He had to ask me if I had seen “Naughty Naughty”?, to which I replied, “Yes Yes”!

It’s crazy that my then girlfriend and all her friends knew him so well as they all grew up with him in the same neighborhood, attending the same local high school together.

20 years later, I chatted with him when he was appearing on The Monsters of Rock Cruise, as a solo act. Needless to say, he had zero recollection of that afternoon in Queens whatsoever, but quipped there was a lot of stuff he doesn’t remember from back then.

A year or so after that encounter on MORC, I had the privilege of seeing a reunited Danger Danger play at M3 and they were killer, I mean, just absolutely KILLER! … Their musicianship and his voice sounded as flawless as that record to which you’re referring, Mike!

p.s. However, Mike, I still happen to love their second album! … It is a prime example of 80’s AOR Party Metal to the max!
February 12, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Love me some Danger Danger. And to hear that he cringes at the mention of that band, while being proud of the mess he is singing now, is extremely sad to me. Long live Naughty Naughty and every other tongue in cheek sex song they dropped!!!
February 16, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterbkallday
@bkallday - to be clear, Andy Timmins was the guitar player not the singer. He has gone on to become very respected in the guitar community, and had been Olivia Newton John’s guitarist and musical director (similar to what Nuno does with Rihanna)

Fun fact - Al Pitrelli was the original guitarist for Danger Danger, they replaced him for not being “commercial” enough (maybe too much of a shredder? He did wind up in Megadeth for a minute..)
February 16, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterMike

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