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Glam Slam 2023 Festival Lineup Announced - And It Is Awesome

Ok now here's a festival I would love to attend! The Glam Slam Festival will take place September 8, 9 and 10 in Vorselaar, Belgium. Check out this lineup! It includes Crashdiet, Mike Tramp's White Lion, The Cruel Intentions, Crazy Lixx and so many more. I'm so jealous of the folks that get to go to this one. It's what I always hoped M3 Rock Festival would evolve into... but probably not enough known bands for an American audience.

Early bird tickets are on sale now - click through the post below for more details.

Reader Comments (4)

I still marvel at, and am frustrated by, the differences between festivals abroad and festivals here in the States.

I realize that some of those distinctions are purely logistical, esp. nowadays. I also realize that some of them are a product of the different temperaments here and abroad.

Thing is, Allyson and I look at two different aspects of the same picture: she to M3 and me to DWP. I thought, initially, that he/them would provide a respite from cookie-cutter MegaCorp productions. But I was wrong. And I understand why. To compete, DWP has to batch-and-catch as many of the same artists as possible and them funnel them into a variety of cutely-named, though virtually identical, festivals across the US.

What you get, then, is not a true festival. Instead, it is a traveling circus (and who doesn't love a circus) branded and rebranded across localities. It is, basically, DWP _these acts_ in _this State_ on _this date_, which isn't entirely different than most of what tours under the LN banner these days. I also recognize that some of this has crept into festivals abroad. But not as much; not by a long shot.

And I also understand that a previous post I made points to another issue: a truly 'one off'' (as in, one off for that year/summer/etc.) festival often looks like a Frankenstein's monster of them, those, and these. Which is fine, too. Variety is a spice, right? But when Earth, Wind, and Fire are playing before The Lazys, and after Night Ranger (I am making that up for the sake of my argument), you are truly in for a head-spinning night in the genre blender!

Circling back, Glam Slam might fill a smaller venue for one night in the States. But it would likely not get enough traction to tour the States . . . and not independent of the logistical issues I noted previously. More's the pity. We could use a nice dose of variety from other places. Hell, we can't even make it cost-effective for Krokus to re-book the tour that they were going to stage prior to the pandemic. Now that makes me scream in the night!
February 10, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
besides Glam Slam there is another relatively similar two day festival in Belgium in the end of May named Wildfest with acts like Eclipse and Ted Poley,
February 10, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterJ
This festival needs to add bands like Tuff, Pretty Boy Floyd, Kix, Slaughter, The Wild Boyz, & Britny Fox!!! Real glam bands, not wannabe, copycat, glam bands.
February 10, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterbkallday
Man, I’m there! …

Well, actually …

This would be a pretty heavy lift for me to go to Belgium but, still, with that line-up, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility as we get closer to September!
February 12, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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