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Entries in Motorhead (1)


'Ace Of Spades' Live In 2013 - Ugly Kid Joe

If you haven't seen this recently... or ever, I present to you the masterpiece that is the Ugly Kid Joe cover of the Motorhead classic "Ace of Spades."

Ugly Kid Joe performed a nighttime set at Woodstock Poland in 2013. The band released the entire pro-shot show back in 2020 as a gift to fans missing live music because of COVID lockdowns. There were 500,000 people in attendance at the Poland 2013 gig - and Ugly Kid Joe really feeds off the crowd. I have no idea why I was thinking of this concert today, but I looked up a few clips and was reminded how amazing it all seemed.

Here's the entire concert - it's just over an hour long. "Ace of Spades" and "Everything About You" are the show finale.

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