Definitely Maybe

A couple of you have asked me to mention the demise of Oasis. As you may (or may not know, or care) guitarist Noel Gallagher left Oasis a few days ago. Noel, along with his brother Liam, were the backbone of Oasis. On Friday night, Noel announced his plans to leave the band, saying he was "forced to leave" the band and that was he was verbally and violently intimidated.
Now here's my problem with Oasis and the main reason why I never mentioned this split to begin with. 1) Oasis isn't a Glam band. 2) Oasis are awesome, but they are not the biggest band of the past 20 years. 3) Oasis could have been the biggest band since the Beatles, but the constant feuds between the Gallagher brothers got in the way of the music.
I think "Wonderwall" is a brilliant song. I remember watching the video with my mom when Oasis was new on the scene. She was really excited - I guess because she saw a lot of the Beatles in Oasis and was looking to relive that genius. It's sad when any band breaks up or changes members. Is this the end of the world? No. Will Oasis go forward? Perhaps. Will Noel have a successful solo career? Probably.
So, are you sad about Noel's departure from Oasis or do you even care?
Reader Comments (24)
Other than that - i dont care.
(Hey, you asked.)
Johnny Depp contributed as a session musician on a couple of Oasis tracks. He also once played in and wrote one or two songs for Rock City Angels, the Memphis glam band.
I also tried going down a route following Zak Starkey and Adrian Smith, but that got far too complicated..
As for Oasis, I never liked them.
And I know that this is a Glamblog, but Oasis have many links to early glam like new york dolls, and Mott The Hopple and so on.
Yeah, I think they are one of the greatest band in the last 20-25 years.
And honestly people, when was the last time someboyd did a song like this ?
And to be honest, I thought this band already split up earlier this year. They were way hot in the 90s, but we haven't given them much attention in the states lately.
I am with Kari, I can't wait for the new Danger Danger and the new Lynch Mob out this month.
Just give the band som respect, have you heart more songs than Wonderwall? Give Oasis respect and listen to the music, I think you will like.
A new line up are touring around Memphis & Nashville.
Having said that, I could care less about Oasis. I'm just smart enough to know whose site this is, and happy to read it every day and to know I could be surprised by what I read, instead of being able to work it out by looking at which washed up 80s band just released an album that no-one is likely to buy ( actually, I do tend to buy them, but just reporting that, is hardly interesting )
Rock City Angels - GREAT band. You can buy their new album from and they've got gig coming up in Florida real soon.