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The Darkness 'The Power and the Glory of Love'

The Darkness just released a new album called Motorheart. One of the singles is "The Power and the Glory of Love." The intro is very old-school rock. The Darkness always sounded 70s, but this new track sounds like it belongs to the bell-bottom era. I haven't had time to listen to the whole new album yet, but I suspect it is awesome in that hilarious-Darkness-type way.

Reader Comments (2)

I have and still do dig The Darkness. They make solid rock songs with some with tongue in cheek lyrics, that I think if more people took the time to listen to, they would get it. This song suffers from what I call that part of The Darkness song, where Justin Hawkins does that falsetto during the song that isn't needed, unsure of what I call that part but it's there. The part where you sing along and shatter glass. Still solid band all around, glad to see they are still putting out music and hopefully touring.

Favorite song by these guys is and always will be "Knockers", where the falsetto definitely works.

"Oh crumbs, I'm all thumbs" :)
November 23, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterGNR
From what I have heard of this album (and my order of a deluxe package is currently in transit), it is an almost-return-to-form after the hard stumble that was _Easter is Cancelled_. As a fan of the band, it felt forced. It felt uninspired (even the lead single video seemed like it was trying too hard to be what it was).

They really did hit a high with post-reunion _Last of Our Kind_. Pretty much good (and sometimes great) from start to finish. _Hot Cakes_ was also good, showing that the hiatus had put a bit more fire back in the band and a bit more health as well!. And _Pinewood Smile_, as good as it was, hinted that something was amiss. So I now judge this era of the band against LoOK. Fair or unfair, that one stands up too PtL. Oh, what about _One Way Ticket_? Well, that album, fair spots notwithstanding, sounds like a band with issues. Guess what? They had issues!!!

GNR, I think the phrase is "You can do it, but why?" He still has great pipes. We know he can do the falsetto thing. And he does it with abandon. And that's the problem. A little goes a long way. Case in point: _Last of Our Kind_. He seemed to balance a need to show off with a need to rock. To me? It felt like the promise/youth of PtL had coalesced into a perfect sound for the band going forward.

Finally, I will add: I still want to know what drove Davies out of the band. I thought she sounded great! There seems to be a story lurking there. But Taylor, son of Roger, is a good addition. And Graham, of course, was a final original member who I wish well (not that he cares!).
November 24, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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