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Maybe We All Should Have Just Stayed With MySpace

MySpace was great back in the day for finding bands. Most bands would even interact with their fans, which was pretty revolutionary at the time. I set up so many interviews with bands via MySpace back in the early days of this site... before everyone (and every brand/band/organization) migrated to Facebook. Now, Instagram (owned by Facebook) wants to add an integration so you can have a profile song. I mean, MySpace had that from the start.

Everything in fashion comes back around and I guess that's true for social media as well. Now I have to figure out a profile song for an Instagram profile that I rarely use, ha!

Reader Comments (2)

Alley- keep a lookout for a twitter request from me..i guess an windows update totally wiped my twitter :/ im GrantH317 thx
October 18, 2022 | Unregistered Commentercrued
Wait. What! No one is thinking about Second Life? There's the real . . . wait, again, what? What is that weird thing flying over me? Oh gosh? Yuck

I guess I will retreat to my tent (in meat-space) and my MySpace account (in cyber), safe in the knowledge that the former sorta' keeps me dry when it rains and the latter promises the chance that Justin Timberlake will ask me a question.
October 20, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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