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You Know You're Old When...

Want a sign that we're all old now? Nearly every recent post on Blabbermouth is about a new band... featuring a member fathered by a musician we love. Don't believe me? Check out the posts below.

So does this mean the torch has officially been passed? Or are we in a weird limbo where the classic bands and their offspring will continue to compete head-to-head for fans for many years to come? This could be really interesting to watch, especially if those younger acts get really famous too.

Reader Comments (1)

As one of the resident codgers on this site, I don't think any torch has been passed. Maybe a nepotistic candle? A genetic sparkler perhaps? But, no.

True, there are some good bands out there with members from rock's firmament. The Darkness now include Rufus Taylor (after who knows what happened with Emily Davies?!?!), as an example. Then there is Mammoth WVH, with Eddie's talented son Wolfie. There are others, of course. And there are the rest of those bands to which Allyson alludes.

But methinks they get attention, thus clicks, thus they turn up often. That is the reason that Blabbermouth features Nugent so much. It certainly isn't because of his musical output for the last few decades, right? And, no, that isn't a political comment.

I have no ill will to a musician's son or daughter breaking into the music business. Heck, Ozzy's daughter avoid the dumpster fire that was his TV show and also became a musician in her own right. Kudos! But I have also seen quite of a few of these things flame out because . . . well, they fell a bit far from the tree in terms of what they created. Not all of them, mind you. But quite a few.

Circling back: Blabbermouth, unlike this wonderful site, needs to troll for hits. So it does. This is just one variation on that art that Borivoj Krgin has mastered. Nothing more.
April 30, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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